Saturday, December 28, 2019

Tourist Typologies and Travel Motivations - 3187 Words

It could be argued that the verb â€Å"to travel† encompasses many connotations as people around the world, from different backgrounds, socio-cultural, linguistic and professional, choose to travel to a particular destination for different reasons, influenced by a variety of extrinsic and intrinsic factors. Throughout the years, many researchers in the field have sought a more academic answer to the question â€Å"Why do people travel?† It is the aim of the present paper to critically examine different authors’ views on travel motivations and tourist typology models and discuss their practical applicability to the type of destination choice. The first part of the discussion focusing on leisure travel motivations will be based on Maslow’s hierarchy†¦show more content†¦Several researchers have applied Maslow’s pyramid in their studies on tourism motivation (for instance, Ross, 1994; Sharpley, 1994; PageConnell, 2006). The levels in the hierarchy, from lowest to highest, are as follows: â€Å"physiological needs (hunger, thirst, sleep, sex, air); safety needs (freedom from threat or danger, a secure, orderly and predictable environment); love needs (feelings of belonging, affectionate relationships, friendship, group membership); esteem needs (self respect, achievement, self-confidence, reputation, recognition, prestige); need for self-actualisation (self-fulfillment, realising oneâ€⠄¢s potential).† (Ross, 1994 p.18) We are all motivated by needs and, in this respect, Maslow’s hierarchy helps to explain and understand how these needs motivate us. According to Maslow, cited in Ross (1994 p.17), the lower-order needs, the most obvious ones for survival, would have to be satisfied first before the higher-order needs could influence our behaviour. Conversely, when things contributing towards the satisfaction of our basic needs are swept off, we are no longer concerned with fulfilling our higher-order needs. Maslow’s hierarchy, while not initially intended for tourism, has been considered a useful tool for describing the needs and wants of tourists and their hosts. We shall now briefly look at what sort of needs people fulfill whenShow MoreRelatedTravel Motivation and Tourist Typologies2366 Words   |  10 Pagesunderstand the complex inner works of human behaviour and motivation have been sought amongst researchers in the tourism field for many years. After all, motivation is ‘th e trigger that sets off all events in travel’ (Parrinello, 1993 cited in Sharpley, 1994), thus making it the most indispensable subject in tourism studies. Hence, it is the aim of this paper to critically examine the different theories on travel motivations and tourism behaviour typologies and discuss their usefulness for practitioners involvedRead MoreTourism Essay2568 Words   |  11 Pagesguests/tourists about the information that shows on the brochure and a further explanation of it. Theory of authenticity of tourism and tourist typology, motivation and determination are linked together with the brochure which would be expounded as well. Table of Content Introduction 1 Table of Content 2 Definition of tourism 3 Highlights and plans of the day tour 3 Theories link to brochure 3 Authenticity of the day tour 3 Theory of authenticity 3 Link to brochure 4 Tourist typology of theRead MoreTour1000653 Words   |  3 Pagesresearch? 3. Explain the relevance of a systems approach to tourism studies. 4. Identify and describe the five core elements of the basic whole tourism system. 5. What is the definition of a tourist? 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The different types of Dark Tourism 6 4.1. Holocaust Tourism 6 4.2. Battlefield tourism 6 4.3. Cemetery Tourism 7 4.4. Slavery-Heritage Tourism 7 4.5. Prison tourism 7 5. Motivation factors vary from person to person. 7 5.1. Belonging to a particular community and education 7 5.2. Concept of SchadenfreudeRead MoreThe Dark Tourism, The Concept1945 Words   |  8 Pagesstill yet to fully understand. The concept of Dark Tourism has been around thousands of years, dating back to before even Roman times. The idea that people from all over the country would travel to the colosseum just to see a fight to the death was a form of tourism. One academic in 2005 described it as â€Å"travel to sites of death and suffering† (Stone, 2005). Despite the attraction to this form of tourism being around for countless years, it has only recently made its way into the literature booksRead MoreOverview of Religious Tourism3240 Words   |  13 Pagesï » ¿2.2 DÐ µfÃ'â€"nÃ'â€"ng RÐ µlÃ'â€"gÃ'â€"ous Tourism Religious tourism is an ancient practice, although it has not been called this for very long. For millennia, individuals have travelled alone or in groups for religious regions. These travels have included pilgrimages, or visiting places that they considered to be holy, and making missionary trips, in which people travelled to tell others of the nature of their faith. People have also travelled simply for their own pleasure or for other personal reasons while incorporatingRead MoreEnhancing the Tourist Destination: An analysis of the Official Tourism Website of Indonesia1378 Words   |  6 Pagesdevelopment depends on language use and how to construct and define the tourist experience and destination images. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

A Short Note On Diabetes Mellitus Type II - 1133 Words

Diabetes Mellitus Type II Diabetes Mellitus (DM) type II is a major issue worldwide; as well as, a major issue here in the United States. According to the CDC (2015), in the U.S., DM is the seventh leading cause of death. Type II DM is associated to obesity as well as genetic factors and age (Whalen, Finkel, Panavelil, 2015). There are many different treatment options for DM. This paper will discuss diabetes and its vast treatment options, including, what to monitor and potential adverse effects. Type II DM is more prevalent than Type I DM (Whalen et al., 2015). It is caused from a lack of sensitivity to insulin. Insulin is secreted by the pancreas and binds to glucose, pulling it into cells (American Diabetes Association, 2016). In type II diabetes, the body does not produce enough insulin to bind with the glucose leading to an increased level of glucose in the blood, otherwise known as hyperglycemia (American Diabetes Association, 2016). Nonprescription Treatments Type II DM has been closely linked with obesity. Therefore, one of the major nonpharmacological treatments for diabetes is exercise (Whalen et al., 2015). Patients can be taught to exercise daily along with eating a healthy diabetic diet (Whalen et al., 2015). It is important that patients understand the proper instructions and do not try to overdo their exercise plans and become discouraged. Patients who lead a sedentary lifestyle should start by finding something they enjoy such as walking around theShow MoreRelatedA Short Note On Diabetes Mellitus Type II1041 Words   |  5 Pagespaper is Diabetes Mellitus Type II. Diabetes is one of the major chronic diseases caused by the insulin resistance that body generates within. It is a serious public health issue currently. There are different types of diabetes we encounter nowadays, but the three main types are Type I, Type II and gestational diabetes (Diabetes Mellitus,2005-2016). The type II diabetes is a non-controlled disease and it is the most common and also known as non-insulin dependent diabetes (Diabetes Mellitus,2005-2016)Read MoreA Short Note On Diabetes Mellitus Type II1039 Words   |  5 Pagespaper is Diabetes Mellitus Type II. Diabetes is one of the major chronic diseases caused by the insulin resistance that body generates within. It is a serious public health issue currently. There are different types of diabetes we encounter nowadays, but the three main types are Type I, Type II and gestational diabetes (Diabetes Mellitus,2005-2016). The type II diabetes is a non-controlled disease and it is the most common and also known as non-insulin dependent diabetes (Diabetes Mellitus,2005-2016)Read MoreA Short Note On Diabetes Mellitus And Type II Diabetes1023 Words   |  5 PagesMethodology Diabetes Mellitus is defined as â€Å"a group of metabolic diseases in which the person has high blood glucose (blood sugar), either because insulin production is inadequate, or because the body s cells do not respond properly to insulin, or both† (MacGill, 2016). It is classified into three types. Gestational diabetes manifests in women during pregnancy. There is a high level of blood glucose and the body cannot produce enough insulin to process it. Type I diabetes is also called InsulinRead MoreDiabetes Mellitus : A Disease Affecting Multi Organ System1190 Words   |  5 PagesDiabetes mellitus or DM is a disease affecting multi-organ systems due to the abnormal insulin production, improper insulin usage or even both. It is a very serious health problem throughout the world effecting thousands of people.A survey conducted in United States showed that almost 6.2% of the population suffers from this disease. It is a matter of great issue that almost one -third of the populati on is unaware of the disease. Incidence Diabetes is actually the fifth leading cause of deathsRead MoreExploring The Negative Effects Of Maternal Obesity1675 Words   |  7 Pagesnormal BMI. By using non probability convenience sampling, they selected a sample size of 220 gravid women: 110 obese women and 110 non-obese women. Their selection criteria included obese women with BMI with more than 29 kg/m square; gestational diabetes (glucose level of 8 mmol/l and 2 hour post glucose level 11mmol/l); and hypertension after 20 weeks of pregnancy. Their BMI was calculated as kg/m squared and grouped into obese (BMI29 kg/m2) and non-obese (BMI 19.8-26 kg/m2). The data was analyzedRead MoreNeeds Artificial Insulin3758 Words   |  16 Pagespancreas digestive cells were gone (died and were absorbed by the immune system) and the only thing left was thousands of pancreatic islets. They then isolated the protein from these islets and behold, they discovered insulin. Note that there are other hormones produced by different types of cells within pancreatic islets (glucagon, somatostatin, etc) but insulin is produced in far greater amounts under normal conditions making the simple approach used by Banting and Best quite successful. Insulin is aRead MoreHLTEN513B Student Assessment Case Studies Essay1357 Words   |  6 Pagesfailure which are evident with Linda’s case? (1 marks each, 6 marks total/ 175 words) 3. Outline the nursing interventions that should be performed when Linda is found bending over the bedside table and provide appropriate rationales. Note any potential risks or complications related to these interventions if applicable. (1 mark each, 10 marks total/ 300 words) 4. Provide three (3) nursing diagnoses (and a rationale for each) that can be made in relation to Linda’s physiologicalRead MoreBenefits Of Physical Training Patients With Diabetes And Chronic Kidney Disease2469 Words   |  10 PagesBENEFIT OF PHYSICAL TRAINING IN PATIENTS WITH DIABETES AND CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE. Yetunde M. Fajulugbe Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Boonshoft School of Medicine, Wright State University Dayton OH. Keywords: Diabetes, Chronic Kidney Disease, Physical Training, Abstract: Introduction Diabetes occur when there is a combination of inadequate secretion of insulin by the pancreatic beta cells and the peripheral insulin resistance. Insulin resistance leads to a reducedRead MoreCase Study Endocrine Essay6536 Words   |  27 PagesINTRODUCTION Diabetes is a chronic condition involving glucose in the blood. It is caused  by a problem in the way the body makes or uses insulin. Insulin, a hormone that is necessary for glucose to move from the blood to the inside of the cells. The body cannot use the insulin for energy if it cannot get into the cells. Diabetes occurs when the body has too much  blood glucose due to either the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or the body cannot effectively use the insulin produced. In type 2 diabetesRead MoreDiabetes Type II : Symptoms, Risk Factors, And Treatments3675 Words   |  15 PagesRunning Head: Diabetes Type II Diabetes Type II: Symptoms, Risk Factors, and Treatments Introduction There are three types of diabetes: type 1diabetes and type 2 diabetes, and gestational diabetes. All three are chronic conditions that affect how the body uses blood glucose or blood sugar. The body needs glucose because it is an important source of energy for the cells that make up an individual s muscles and tissues Individuals with diabetes have too much glucose in their

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Everything Has Changed free essay sample

All I knew this morning when I woke Is I know something now, know something now I didnt before. And all Ive seen since eighteen hours ago Is green eyes and freckles and your smile In the back of my mind making me feel like I Just want know you better, know you better, know you better now I Just want know you better, know you better, know you better now [80th] know you, know you, know you [Both] Cause all I know is we said, Hello. And your eyes look like coming homeAll I know is a simple name Everything has changed All I know is you held the door Youll be mine and Ill be yours All I know since yesterday Is everything has changed [Deed Sheerer] And all my walls stood tall painted blue And Ill take them down, take them down and open up the door for you [Taylor Swift (Album version) Deed Sheerer (Remix And all I feel in my stomach is butterflies The beautiful kind, making up for lost time, [Album version:] Taking flight, making me feel right [Remix version:] Taking flight, making me fee l right like now you better, know you better, know you better now I Just want know you better, know you better, know you better now I Just want know you, know you, know you And youll be mine and Ill be yours All I know since yesterday is everything has changed [Bridge] Come back and tell me why Im feeling like Ive missed you all this time, Oh, Oh, Oh. We will write a custom essay sample on Everything Has Changed or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page And meet me there tonight And let me know that its not all in my mind. All I know is we said, Hello. So dust off your highest hopes All I know is pouring rain and everything has changed All I know is a new found grace.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Disney Marketing Plan free essay sample

Marketing Plan: Disney Airlines Current Disney The Disney Corporation is well known for the theme parks and movies created for children and adults to enjoy around the world. The Disney characters are recognized by children everywhere. Disney has created an empire that prides itself on creating entertainment for families to enjoy together. The theme parks create an environment for children to use their imaginations and â€Å"believe in magic†. Disney also has a retail operation to sell products such as shirts, plush toys, games, and other trinkets related to these movies and parks. Disney has built theme parks in Hong Kong, Tokyo, Paris, and of course Lake Buena Vista, Florida and Anaheim, California. All of these parks have created special attractions to bring visitors. The children can enjoy rides, shows, and meeting all their favorite Disney characters. Each theme park is several parks combined and each visitor will need to purchase passes to each park for their visit. We will write a custom essay sample on Disney Marketing Plan or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Many of these smaller parks have different themes such as Animal Kingdom and Disney’s Adventure Park. This is Disney’s way of creating something for everyone. The movies the Disney has created over the years are classic tales of discovery and wonder that all children can enjoy. These movies give children a way of using their imagination and having fun. Children easily identify these characters and frequently use these characters in pretend play. When families bring their children to the theme parks they look forward to meeting those characters from the movies they have watched so many times. Disney has a created an empire that reaches everyone from the young to old. This company has parks, movies and merchandise to appeal to this wide range of ages. There is truly something for everyone when visiting a park, movie, or retail shop. Disney Marketing Disney is a very powerful conglomerate. â€Å"No other company has such a stockpile of well-known, cute, family-friendly, and highly marketable characters†, (Newsweek, 2011). Disney has been using Disney’s Magical Express which picks up the visitors in the Orlando airport and transports the persons to the world famous resort. Now with Disney Airlines the magical express of Disney will begin at the start of the journey once aboard Disney Airlines. Disney magic now starting at the beginning of the flight will expand the special memories and moments of the vacation, as in the 2011 marketing campaign â€Å"Let the Memories Begin† (Mouse Planet, 2010). Marketing the label of Disney with Mickey and friends, Princesses, Toy Story, and others is sure to excite adults and children alike. These characters are very powerful and essential to the company. Disney’s worth is $68 billion from successful marketing. Marketing is very important to the success of this particular project because to keep the Airlines in flight the revenues must match and beat the costs to run the Airline. â€Å"Hand each of the global media companies an equivalent piece of content, Disney would make the most money pound for pound†, (Newsweek, 2010). The marketing of the airlines should not be that difficult and will boost the new worth of the company. For the airlines to stay afloat the company will need to advertise and well market the availability of the airlines and the magic of the experience. Airlines nationally had a 40% decrease in profits by the year end in 2010. Strategic marketing of this new service Disney desires will increase revenue for itself and the total group of Airlines. References Mouse Planet. (2010). 2011 Disney Marketing Campaign Let the Memories Begin. Retrieved from http://mousepad. mouseplanet. com/showthread. php? 154368-2011-Disney-Marketing-Campaign-Let-the-Memories-Begin%92 Newsweek, (2011). The Business of Magic. Retrieved from http://www. newsweek. com/2010/11/03/disney-s-powerful-marketing-machine. html