Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Overpopulation and Environmental Problems - 1008 Words

Overpopulation is becoming a leading environmental problem in which resources are becoming depleted faster than are being created. Hoevel explains, â€Å"Overpopulation occurs when a population’s density exceeds the capacity of the environment to supply the health requirements of an individual† (Hoevel 1). This means that after a population has overused the resources in an area, the environment will no longer be able to support them, and there lies the problem with overpopulation. Wenner explains, â€Å"Sustainability involves living within the limits of the resources of earth, understanding the distribution of resources and opportunities† (Wenner 2). Understanding the earth’s resources and learning how to distribute them is crucial for people to†¦show more content†¦This could become very bad, especially in poorer countries. Hoevel continues, â€Å"This creates a mixed bag of concerns that include susceptibility of young urban populations in poo r countries with weak governments to recruitment for terrorism and conditions of instability† (Hoevel 2). If the population growth continues at this rate, war and terrorism could become a frequent event. This war and terrorism would ultimately lead to even greater resource use. Because of the equal growth rates and the continuously growing population, poorer countries may not be able to sustain their people with their limited amounts of resources. Wenner explains, â€Å"Undeveloped countries with large populations also put a strain on the local environment and the limited resources that they have† (Wenner 2). Because there are so many people to sustain in larger populations eventually, the resources in that area will run out or become extremely difficult to find. Once these resources become too difficult to gather, more power and energy will be needed in order to extract those same resources. Alcoforado states, â€Å"In the last 45 years, the demand for earth’s natural resources has doubled due to rising living standards in rich and emerging countries and increasing world population† (Alcoforado 1). With the rise in population in the last 45 years, Wenner’s beliefs are found to be true. With aShow MoreRelatedOverpopulation : Environmental And Social Problems3271 Words   |  14 Pagesgrowth from previous years. This massive populations have effects on our resources, causes social problems, overcrowds areas, and effects other species. Earth is hitting the maximum capacity that it can handle. â€Å"Human population is growing like never before. We are now adding one billion people to the planet every 12 years. That s about 220,000 per day† (â€Å"Overpopulation: Environmental and Social Problems,† para.1). 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